The Perfect Winter Apple Cinnamon Rolls

Fall means it’s time for apples and all the delicious baking associated with them. Apple pies, apple butter, apple crisp – we really can’t get enough. And since apples naturally pair beautifully with cinnamon, apples + cinnamon rolls are a natural fit.


It’s hard to mention apples without talking about their health benefits.

We feel a little bit justified indulging in apple baked goods because apples are so healthy! Aside from the high vitamin C and fibre content that this fruit is known for, did you know that apple also helps regulate blood-sugar levels with its antioxidants and fibre by slowing down digestion? A study conducted on over 38 000 women also showed that the consumption of one or more apples per day lowers the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 28%.

Apples also have the ability to lower blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of dying from a heart disease. In Finland, a study showed that women and men who consume more than 54 grams of apples per day have a 43% and 19% lowered risk, respectively, of dying from a heart disease.  

Antioxidants come with tremendous benefits, and those found in apples are no exception. A study, “Does an apple a day keep the oncologist away?” reported that the consumption of at least one apple a day lowers the risk of colorectal cancer by 20%, and breast cancer by 18%.

Even if all that doesn’t convince you to jump on the apple bandwagon, the deliciousness of apple cinnamon rolls should win you over.



Apple Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

When life gives you apples, pair them with cinnamon. You already know we love anything cinnamon swirly–in case you missed our cinnamon swirl pie crust–so here’s a scrumptious apple cinnamon roll recipe for you to try.



4 cups flour

2.5 tbsp baking powder

1 cup warm milk

1 large egg

1 tablespoon maple syrup

1/4 cup melted butter

Pinch of salt


1 1/2 cups apples diced

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup maple syrup

2 tablespoons ground cinnamon

1 cup butter melted


Imagine snuggling by the fireplace to this warm dish of apple cinnamon roll on a cold, stormy day. Nothing screams cosy and comfort more than that combination. Share with us your favourite apple recipes!

Daniel is a Digital Marketing and Content Strategist at SPUD. He graduated from UBC with a degree in English and International Relations with a focus on environmental topics. A wordsmith by day and a bookman by night, he's a self-proclaimed gastronomic snob, a buck-a-shuck addict, a sub-par skier, and a devoted kingsguard of the oxford comma. He also frequents the dog park with a schnauzer named Duke. | Instagram: @dannnyellow

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