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Sunworks Farm is the home of Ron and Sheila Hamilton is located near Armena, Alberta. In 1992 they moved from the City to their new farm and immediately started converting the land to certified organic status. In 1995 they took a Holistic Management Course which helped them focus on the direction their farm and lives would take. In honour of Women’s Day, we wanted to feature Sheila and learn more about her journey with her farm and business.
What was your inspiration for starting Sunworks Farm?
We started Sunworks Farm so that we could produce clean, organic, healthy meats for our family that was struggling with serious health concerns. We knew that we could improve our health if we could eat organic food. We soon discovered that there were many other people who also wanted an organic source of meats and sausages and so we started selling some of the meats we were raising.
What do you love most about farming?
I love the connection I have with my food. I am very privileged to be able to look at the table and say I know exactly where my food comes from and how it was raised. I also love the connections that we have made with our customers over the years. Many of them have become dear friends of ours.

What do you hope to be instilling in your customers through their purchase of the meat you produce?
I hope that they have a connection to the meat and us as their farmer, knowing that it was raised certified organic, with respect and in Alberta. We hope that they are proud to say, like I do, that they know where and how their meat was raised. We also hope that they feel empowered that they are making a difference in the world through their meat purchase.
Last but not least, what is your favourite recipe?
This is a hard one as I have lots of favourite recipes, however I think my favourite meal is the organic brunch we have every Sunday morning with our grandchildren. Our sausages, gluten-free waffles, whipping cream (for those of the family, that can have it), fresh or frozen berries, with our eggs (poached, scrambled or sunny side)
Have a Sunworks Farm Chicken in your fridge? Try these chicken marinades.