Spring has arrived, but I’m already dreaming of long, warm summer days. Although, the only time I’m not dreaming of summer is when it has arrived. Or when it snows. (Hellooo I’m a Vancouverite, it hardly ever snows here! So exciting when it does!)

Summer will arrive in due time, and until then I will exercise patience (a challenge) and drink this summery smoothie (a pleasure!).

This recipe is pretty dang healthy as is, but if I’m totally honest, I usually add wheat grass powder. It’s weird for me when I drink a smoothie that doesn’t have a touch of earthiness to it. So if you’re in the mood for something green, add some wheat grass powder or spinach leaves.

Valencia, Navel, or Cara Cara oranges work great for this recipe. However, most oranges should do the trick.


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Orange Creamsicle Smoothie

Serves 2

  1. Peel, chop and freeze oranges. (Remove as much pith as possible)
  2. Add oranges and milk to a blender and blend until smooth.
  3. Enjoy cold!

*Use your favourite milk. If not using a vanilla milk, add a touch of vanilla extract to the recipe.


Possible modifications:

  • If you want a stronger orange flavour add some orange zest or juice
  • If you want it sweeter add a couple of dates, banana, maple syrup, or orange juice




Keep on sippin’ this sunshine and eventually the real thing will arrive! (I’m not saying there’s a correlation. It’s just a delicious smoothie. And statistically speaking, it’s bound to get sunny eventually.)


How to Make a Delicious Orange Creamsicle Smoothie #vegan

When Fiona's not spending her time as a social media and content coordinator at SPUD.ca, you can find her playing with her kitten, tending to many house plants, or messing around in the kitchen creating new plant-based recipes for her blog, Plantily.com

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