There is a short answer to this question. The commonality between divas and environmentalists is that they have high standards. They set the bar high for people, the environment, and for business. One company that honors divas and environmentalists alike is DivaCup. DivaCup has designed a reusable menstrual cup to “challenge the period status quo”. What does this mean exactly? Keep reading to see how this Canadian company has used its menstrual hygiene product to encourage sustainability, reduce stigma, and transform business into a force for good.


Encouraging Sustainability


The biggest environmental benefit of a DivaCup is that it can replace hundreds of single-use tampons, pads, and liners. Over a lifetime, this product can keep a lot of waste out of the landfill! In addition to its reusability, DivaCup’s are an amazing alternative to traditional menstrual hygiene products because they are made with no added chemicals, dyes, or plastic. 



Reducing Stigma


DivaCup has no tolerance for stigma, especially when it comes to women and their menstrual health. DivaCup has demonstrated its support to the menstrual movement in a variety of ways through their foundation called DivaCares. DivaCares has “distributed over 15,000 menstrual cups worldwide and [is committed] to donating an additional 15,000 in the coming year”. In addition to product donations, DivaCares also advocates for menstrual equality and health education through marketing initiatives and financial donations to similar causes. 


With better period care, and less stigma around menstruation in general, women can become greater participants and leaders in society. 


Transforming Business


DivaCup is a Certified B Corporation! DivaCup’s CEO and Co-Founder, Carinne Chambers-Saini, explains a little about what that means for her company: “Being part of a global movement of purpose-driven companies that are changing the world, is our vision for Diva. This is why we voice environmental sustainability through both our product and our own company standards”. In other words, Chambers-Saini is sharing the higher standard she has set for her business. A standard that makes her business consider how they impact all stakeholders, like their employees and the environment they rely on, and not just the value that their products have for their customers.



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