Who is Greta?


Greta Thunberg is a sixteen year old from Sweden who has skipped school to sit in front of the Swedish parliament every Friday for over a year to demand her government take greater action against the climate crisis (1). Overnight, Greta’s actions inspired millions of children from around the world to be part of the solution and has empowered them to speak up for what they believe in. Children and young adults, however, are not the only people that have been moved by Greta’s protest.


Over the course of 2018 and 2019, Greta has been invited to speak at multiple international meetings. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the COP24 Summit, the World Economic Forum, the European Economic and Social Committee, and more, Greta has repeated her climate crisis message (2).


What is her climate crisis message about?


Greta’s message is about environmental warnings, political demands, and hope. In her speeches, whether they are to politicians or fellow student protestors, she warns her audience that if we do not change our unsustainable habits, the global temperature will rise to a degree that will cause environmental destruction beyond repair (3).

She is demanding that politicians take stronger measures to ensure that this temperature rise, caused by greenhouse gas emissions, stays under two degrees celsius (4). Many politicians have already publicly stated their commitment to this goal under the Paris Agreement, however, most have yet to make any tangible policy changes to ensure that this target is met.


Her story of hope is about the sleeping giant she has awoken with her message. Since Greta started her protest, she has mobilized thousands of people, young and old, who share her vision for a stable climate future.


This time last year, on Friday, September 27th, the world will saw a glimpse of just how big Greta’s support has become. Millions of students skipped school and many businesses closed their doors to demand that their government take greater actions against combating climate change and environmental degradation. It was the largest strike for the climate in world history! Spud.ca’s Sustainability Team attended the march in Vancouver and as a company we raised roughly $2000 in partnership with Nature’s Path for a non-profit organization called 350.org. They work to achieve a “future that’s just, prosperous, equitable and safe from the effects of climate change”.

Why we are support her


At Spud, our mission is to empower our customers to “be part of the solution”, which is exactly what Greta has done for many around the world. In addition, we believe a more sustainable future is possible and that solutions are available to make this happen, but we need to take great collective action to reach our carbon emission reduction targets in time! 


How you can support Greta


  1. Share her message! Use your networks and talk about why a sustainable future is important and how we will get there.
  2. Empower the youth in your life. Greta has shown us that if you stand up for what you believe in, you can change the world no matter how small you are. This is an important message for kids, whether it relates to sustainability or not! Remind them of their value!
  3. Join the march. If you are able, we would love to see you at the climate march in your area. Go to the climate strike website to see if there is one being organized in your area or start one yourself!



  1. 1) About #FridaysForFuture. https://www.fridaysforfuture.org/about.
  2. 2) Wikipedia. Great Thunburg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greta_Thunberg.
  3. 3) Greta Thunberg Speeches. https://www.fridaysforfuture.org/greta-speeches.
  4. 4) Ibid.

SPUD has been delivering local and organic groceries in Vancouver and the lower mainland for the past 20 years, and now services Vancouver Island, Calgary, and Edmonton as well!

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