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Looking for the ultimate comfort food that will leave you feeling warm and satisfied all day? Look no further than South Island Pie Co.!
The South Island Pie Co. Story
Back in 2006, New Zealand native Jamie Scott was busy traveling the world and eventually made his way to Edmonton, Alberta where he decided to make his home. While in Canada, Jamie grew homesick and figured the best cure would be a good old fashioned New Zealand style pie. After searching high and low, Jamie realized there were no such pies in Alberta (maybe even all of Canada), so he decided to remedy this problem by making some himself. That summer, Jamie made so many pies for his friends and family here in Edmonton, he blew his oven element. Three. Different. Times. Luckily for all of us Albertans, Jamie has a better quality oven now! In 2013 Jamie started South Island Pie Co., bringing a little taste of New Zealand to Western Canada.
Jamie pulled the trigger and started his business, even though it was scary at first. He knew that if he didn’t just go for it, then chances were he would retire a grumpy old man. As intimidating as it was, starting the business was actually the easy part. The hard part, he acknowledges, is growing the business and expanding from niche markets and farmers markets into something bigger and broader.
With their creative genius and expertise, South Island and one of our other favourite local food companies, Honest Dumplings, joined forces to start the Uproot Food Collective offering their combined knowledge and experience to help other local food companies grow!
Jamie has demonstrated success in scaling his production, while establishing his company as Alberta’s only authentic down-under style meat pie company. Part of what makes New Zealand style meat and veggie pies so unique is that kiwis use puff pastry instead of pie crust. This makes a world of difference, creating a flakier, arguably tastier pie. As Jamie explained it, comparing a NZ style pie to other types of meat pies is like comparing a hot dog to a breakfast sausage in a hot dog bun. It’s just not the same.
What’s with the Wacky Names?
Here are the stories behind some of the seemingly strange flavour names you’ll find at South Island Pie Co:
The Arvo: “Arvo” is kiwi slang for afternoon, for example, “What are you doing this arvo, mate?” This pie is aptly named, as the delicious steak and mushroom mixture is the perfect afternoon pick-me-up to help you get through your day! It is also one of South Island Pie Co.’s best-sellers!
The Chook: Chook (pronounced like brook), is another kiwi slang, this time for chicken. So it is no surprise that this is a chicken pie! Cleverly paired with creamy camembert, and a bit of cranberry, it is no wonder this pie is also another one of their best-sellers. Yum!
The Great Scott: You can’t start a pie company, and not name one of the flavours after yourself. This one is named The Great Scott after owner Jamie Scott. Jamie grew up in New Zealand on this bacon and egg pie concoction!
These three pies are just a handful of the many flavours available at, which include vegan and vegetarian options. Jamie developed these mouthwateringly delicious recipes based on the family recipes he enjoyed growing up; every pie is made with love using quality, locally sourced ingredients. Jamie has truly brought a little taste of home to Canada with him, both to share with others who are from down under and for all of us who were not lucky enough to taste these wonderful creations until now.