Preparation Time: 10 minutes | Cooking Time: 10 minutes | Serves: 4 people Ingredients: ½ tbsp. Lemon juice 4 tbsp. Butter 2 artichokes 2 cloves garlic, minced Directions: Artichokes make excellent appetisers when steamed whole. To steam them, place them in a double boiler and boil for 10 minutes. A simple dipping sauce consists of butter, lemon juice and garlic. Melt the Earth Balance and add the lemon juice and 2 cloves of minced garlic. To eat the artichoke, break off the leaves one by one, dipping them in the sauce, and drawing the leaf through your teeth removing the soft lower portion. When all the leaves have been eaten, you can also eat the artichoke heart. Cut the tender heart out from the prickly choke and dip away! Dietary Options: Tastes: This recipe was submitted by: Spud
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