8 Foods That May Reduce Your Prostate Cancer Risk

Happy Movember!

While we enjoy the moustache growing (or shaving) that comes the month after Halloween, the men in our life should be enjoying these cancer fighting vegetables as often as possible.  These particular veggies are rich in cancer fighting agents, and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including smoothies and salads.


8 Foods That May Reduce Your Prostate Cancer Risk

By SPUD.ca

Long live #Movember!

  • Mushrooms

    By SPUD.ca

     Mushrooms build the immune system with Beta Glucan compounds and lectin proteins, which have shown to attack cancer cells.

  • Pomegranates

    By SPUD.ca

    Poms reduce PSA doubling time, and help prevent prostate cancer reoccurance. 

  • Broccoli

    By SPUD.ca

    Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, contain phytochemicals that reduce oxygen free radicals in the body, which creates a lower risk of prostate cancer. 

  • Yams

    By SPUD.ca

    Yams contain falcarinol, which reduces the risk of cancers. Sweet, and sweeter!

  • Tomatoes

    By SPUD.ca

    Rich in lycopene, which attacks free radicals, tomatoes are tasty and very good for you.

  • Kale

    By SPUD.ca

    Another cruciferous vegetable, kale is a super popular green vegetable that works well in salads, smoothies, or even as chips!

  • Carrots

    By SPUD.ca

    Carrots contain polyacetylene, which may have more anti-cancer properties than beta carotene. 

  • Cabbage

    By SPUD.ca

    The third cruciferous to make the list, cabbage can be found in many regional diets in soups, salads, wraps, and more. 

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