How To Make A Satsuma Orange Mojito

How To Make A Satsuma Orange Mojito

It seems like any fruit of the citrus species always has its own devoted following regardless of how popular they are. They all share the similar tangy, sour yet refreshing…

Save Your Peels And Make Candied Orange Peels

Save Your Peels And Make Candied Orange Peels

While there are lots of things you can do with orange peels like making your own eco-friendly cleaner, making candles that can burn for hours, stopping your brown sugar from clumping, the tastiest…

Warm Up With This Mushroom Stroganoff

Warm Up With This Mushroom Stroganoff

  With this arctic air hanging around although we enjoy the beautiful sunshine we also have to endure the cold. When it is so cold, I am drawn to comfort…

Meet Stu, Your Local Kiwi Farmer

Meet Stu, Your Local Kiwi Farmer

You are reading that correctly- “local” and “kiwis” in one sentence. How’d we get this amazing combo? Well, that’s Stu’s story which he was happy to share with us.  Stu grew up farming kiwis in New Zealand, and he hated it as a kid! Farming…

5  Parchment Paper Meals To Save You Time

5 Parchment Paper Meals To Save You Time

One of the ways that I minimize stress is by simplifying my meals and making them as convenient as possible. I’m not talking about microwaved corndogs or greasy takeouts (as…

5 Tips For Proper Potato Storage

5 Tips For Proper Potato Storage

Potatoes last longer than most other fruits and vegetables, but eventually, they start to sprout green shoots and lose some of their freshness and flavour. If you store them properly, they…

Easter Feast – FAQs

What is Spud’s Easter Feast?  Our Easter Feast selection includes ham, a grass-fed beef rib eye and a top sirloin roast, a plant-roast, side dishes and we have suggestions for…


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