On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, none of us could have predicted that we would be managing an international health crisis alongside an environmental one. A silver lining in times of crisis, however, is that crises make us take a step back and re-evaluate what we value and how we should engage in society. Today, the impacts of coronavirus have revived our appreciation for local businesses, collectivism over individualism, and made us reconnect with our food. Interestingly enough, these values are characteristics of sustainable development


This Earth Day, we are proud to launch our Stay Home Box program to elevate these sustainable values. Our Stay Home Boxes provide families with sustainable food right to their door to help flatten the curve, while $3 from each sale will go towards supporting front line workers and at-risk communities. 


If you would like to support Spud’s mission, please consider purchasing a food box today through our new website found below. If you are an organization who is supporting at risk individuals in our community or front line workers who need support, please contact us as you may be eligible for a Stay Home box at a reduced cost.



Although we are in incredibly challenging times, Spud.ca has been blown away by the amount of comradery among fellow businesses, our customers, and our team members as we come together to build a better tomorrow. We will get through this and we will continue to create a sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future for generations to come. Happy Earth Day! 

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