These chickpea peanut butter muffins are naturally sweetened with maple syrup and banana, and can…
Chardonae, 11, and Brie, 9, are two feisty and independent sisters. In Brie’s words, “I love to cook, but I can’t say I’m the best at it.” Sandwiches and wraps, plus sides of fruits, veggies and granola bars, are good choices for similar kids.
Minimize waste by using eco-containers, plus wash out and reuse ziplock bags, or use reusable snack bags.
Spud #KidCooks Char and Brie from Spud on Vimeo.
Turkey Wrap:
Char’s lunch:
Ham Sandwich:
- Gluten-free bread
- Lettuce
- Tomato
- Ham
- Mayonnaise
- Veggies: cucumber, carrots, celery
- Juice Box Deep Green juice
- Fruit: apple, grapes
- Granola bar
Brie’s lunch:
- Gluten-free tortilla
- Lettuce
- Tomato
- Turkey
- Veggies: cucumber, carrots, celery
- Juice Box Orange juice
- Grapes
- Granola bar