Extreme weather throughout the year will cause a shortage of stone fruit in BC: We…
Did you know that recycling contamination costs Canada millions of dollars each year? Contamination is the term for non-recyclable material that ends up in the recycling system, from leftover food in containers to non-recyclable plastic packaging to more obvious garbage such as clothing and propane tanks. Contamination also impacts compost, where the most common culprits include fruit stickers, plastics, and glass. Whether it’s due to confusion, wishful thinking, or just plain laziness, a lot of non-recyclable or non-compostable items are ending up in the wrong bins. When this happens, the otherwise recyclable or compostable material is relegated to the landfill
So what can we do cut down on contamination? Knowing what goes where is a great start! Get your kids in on the action early too, and this will become second nature to them. Download and print out this colouring sheet, and let your kids turn it into a work of art that’s both beautiful and functional.
Glass jars – Recycling
Aluminum – Recycling
Containers – Recycling
Plastic straws – Garbage
Food Waste – Compost