Your boxes are delivered right to your door through our online delivery service, but how does this all come together? We thought we’d take an opportunity to show you some behind-the-scenes shots, so you can see the journey of the boxes in our warehouse before they head out to your home or office!

Produce prep is done daily in the morning, so it is all beautifully packaged and ready to go for the afternoon. Many of the dry pantry items are packed the night before, then in the morning the frozen items are placed in insulated bags with ice packs or dry ice if needed. These boxes head straight into the cooler (which is really a gigantic, walk-in fridge)!

Next up are the fridge items, starting with dairy and non-dairy alternatives, eggs, and cold beverages like kombucha. As the boxes move “down the line” (a non-electric conveyor belt), the produce items are carefully placed in the boxes.  Lastly, we add any “fresh daily” items to your box.  These items are made fresh for your order by local businesses around our city!

Before the boxes are loaded, they are meticulously checked one final time to ensure order accuracy and proper packing. Lastly, the boxes are all stacked into the refrigerated Spud vans and sent out to your neighbourhood for delivery – rain or shine!

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