It’s time again for Spud’s Winter Bin Drive!

As the temperature drops and the winter weather sets in, we start bundling up. Layers of sweaters, gortex, wool socks, and toques keep us safe and warm as we enjoy outdoors activities or dash from car to building, trying to avoid the cold and snow. But for families with limited resources, the cold can be devestating.  That’s why Spud is once again partnering with Women in Need Society (WINS) in Calgary  for this year’s winter bin drive.

WINS Calgary women and their families help themselves. Operating five destination thrift stores and four Family Resource Centres, the organization helps vulnerable women and their families live better lives. They provide women with support to reach educational and employment goals, run safe after-school activities for children, and facilitate programs for young girls that build leadership and self-esteem. WINS also provides basic items such as clothing, housewares and furniture to women in financial distress. During the colder months, warm clothing (especially outerwear) can be a big challenge, so we’re proud to help them keep their clients warm!

Last year, Spud customers donated warm clothes and other items to WINS, and your donations were greatly appreciated! We hope you’ll help out again this year. The bin drive runs Nov 12th to Nov 30th, so be sure to leave your donations in your bins for pickup.

Donations Accepted

  • Gently used winter clothing
  • Gently used winter coats
  • Gently used winter boots
  • Gently used winter accessorites (hats, gloves, scarves)
  • Blankets


SPUD has been delivering local and organic groceries in Vancouver and the lower mainland for the past 20 years, and now services Vancouver Island, Calgary, and Edmonton as well!

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