Feel like having a pickle on your burger, but don’t feel like canning? These super simple pickles are the right choice for you.


1 ½ cup vinegar (your choice: we like a combination of rice wine vinegar and apple cider vinegar, but feel free to play with what you’ve got)

1 ½ teaspoons mustard seeds, whole

1 ½ pounds very fresh cucumbers

1 ½ tablespoons kosher or pickling salt

1 cup sweet onions, sliced thin

1 ¼ cup sugar (you could try a mix of white and brown sugar if you want to experiment)

1 tsp ground turmeric

½ teaspoon celery seeds (optional)


Slice your cucumbers to your desired pickle thickness. Some people like to use a food processor, but we’ve found more consistent results with a mandolin. Hey, if you’re bored, you could brush up on your knife skills (but it might take a while).

Mix the sliced cucumbers well with the salt. Cover and put in the refrigerator. Chill for an hour or more. Drain any liquid, and rinse to remove salt.

Combine all the rest of the ingredients in a pot, and bring to a simmer. You want the sugar to dissolve.

Fill jars with cucumber slices, and pour the hot brine over them. Allow to cool, cover, and refrigerate.

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