Tom & Denesse Willey farm a 75-acre patch of the Central San Joaquin Valley in the southern half of California’s Great Central Valley. The couple has been farming since 1980 and became certified organic since 1987. Tom and his staff of five grow everything from artichokes to rutabagas using the latest biological fertility systems. Denesse manages the hand-harvest, sales and shipping with her permanent staff of 25. Produce is packed in recyclable paper lined wooden crates and compostable lugs made of recycled paper. This supplier is located 170 miles from our San Francisco warehouse Madera, CA View these products in our store
Be Fresh Local Market Cafe from SPUD on Vimeo. Be Fresh Local Market Cafe See our new BeFresh Marketplaces
Sally Powis-Campbell Wholistic Health YYC @wholistichealthyyc @sallypc @wholistichealthyyc @wholehealthyyc Birthday: January 25 Dietary Restrictions (e.g. vegetarian, celiac, gluten-intolerant, unprocessed, sustainably-caught only,…
Mia Shettler The Wellth the_wellth Dietary Restrictions: I don’t have any specific dietary restrictions per say, but I try my best…