The 100 Mile diet was borne out of an experiment by Canadian writers Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon. They wrote a book about attempting to eat only foods grown within 100 miles of their home, and the resulting popularity among other locavores and media spawned a movement. As its title suggests, proponents of the 100 mile diet eat foods grown within 100 miles of where they live. Some adhere strictly to the radius, while others adapt the ideology to support locally based food economies. A great way for you to eat more locally is to check out what’s in season!
Be Fresh Local Market Cafe from SPUD on Vimeo. Be Fresh Local Market Cafe See our new BeFresh Marketplaces
Sally Powis-Campbell Wholistic Health YYC @wholistichealthyyc @sallypc @wholistichealthyyc @wholehealthyyc Birthday: January 25 Dietary Restrictions (e.g. vegetarian, celiac, gluten-intolerant, unprocessed, sustainably-caught only,…
Mia Shettler The Wellth the_wellth Dietary Restrictions: I don’t have any specific dietary restrictions per say, but I try my best…